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I am currently a student at UC Davis. Since I am undecided on what to major in, I am just exploring what I can.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Comparison and Contrast

Hardcover vs Paperback?
Which one do you personally prefer?
If it comes to which one if the cheapest and the most affordable, I would choose a paperback book in a heartbeat.
Luckily, all the design books required for this class are paperback...but that does not mean that they were cheaper in the end.
The great thing about paperback books is that they can be bended to their side, unlike their hardcover counterparts. If you are to study for a test or just simply read a book, its easier to highlight and “torture” (yes, torture because you are abusing the poor book) when studying. With a hardcover book, its the opposite. Hardcover books cannot be bended unlike their paperback counterparts.

Unfortunately for me I personally prefer hardcover books, but in actuality, I have more paperback books than hardcover books. However, if I truly know that I will enjoy the book that I am buying and know that I want to treasure it for decades to come, I purchase my book in hardcover. One exception to this is the Harry Potter series. All of those books are ONLY in hardcover. If I were to purchase the whole serious in paperback, I think I would die from the extreme tackiness it will result in after many uses.
The great thing with hardcover books is that the books probably outlast their paperback counterparts. Which is one of the many reasons I decided to buy my Harry Potter novels in hardcover. Also, hardcover books tend to have artistic dust jackets – something that the paperback can never have. Because of the dust jackets that hardcover contains, it makes them look more “fancy” than “tacky”.

You can't really hate on the paperback though. They're as flexible as you would imagine they would be.

In the end, it doesn't matter what type of style you choose to buy your book. All that matters is that you enjoy the book.

Credits: Google Images

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