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I am currently a student at UC Davis. Since I am undecided on what to major in, I am just exploring what I can.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Norwegian Wood Trailer (2010) Japan

Ever since seeing the first three minutes of Amelie in the first class lecture from Intro to Design, I couldn't help but analyze the trailer of Norwegian Wood. Its interesting how a person from the audience can immediately guess on what are the possible story lines and events that might happen throughout the film.
Norwegian Wood is a Japanese film that has been on my mind for the past year. Although I heard that the production of the film began in 2008, the film still hasn't been released. Originally based from a novel by Japanese author, Haruki Murakami, the novel exploded Murakami into stardom in Japan. I have not finished reading the novel, but I expect to finish it before I get to see the film. I have shamelessly only read about three pages, therefore analyzing the trailer wasn't a boring activity. Unfortunately, I have to wait until the film is translated since my Japanese is not good enough yet.

However, the trailer has so far been entertaining and dramatic to my expectations. So far by looking into the trailer, you can tell that the main character of the film, Watanabe played by popular Japanese actor Ken'ichi Matsuyama has different women who play a big role into his life. The background music, which i am unfamiliar with, sound similar to a soundtrack of a 1960's film. Thereby explaining that the the story of Watanabe takes place in his past. (As well that it takes part in the late 1960's to early 1970's by the look of the style of clothes).

In a way, the film shows that different types of people can change our lives. Whether it comes from love relationships or friendships, their inclusion make them a part of ourselves.

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