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I am currently a student at UC Davis. Since I am undecided on what to major in, I am just exploring what I can.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Early memories.

One of the things that I clearly remember from my childhood is the only television set that our apartment had when I used to live in Los Angeles. The TV was 34 inches between 36 inches big, and a greyish color. Televisions nowadays are flat screen and black. But of course some of those kind still exist in many homes today. My parents used to always see the most popular Spanish channel on Southern California called Univsion. Univision's channel is number 34. I'm not sure if all the televisions back then showed the numbers continuous, but this TV did. However, even if the television set was changed to a different channel, the shadow of number 34 will always appear in the bottom left hand corner. The shadow of number “34” gave the television a special touch because it meant that technology is not perfect like a human. Also, like a human, channel 34 left its mark on never to be forgotten.

Another item that occupied the living room at my old apartment in Los Angeles was the sofa that was in the living room. The sofa was greyish, but also had small but also thick thread lines that contained color such as reds, greens, and blues, but the sofa was overall a greyish color. The sofa was not made of out of leather, but I think it was made out of material that is some what like yarn and cotton together. Unfortunately, I cannot remember or know the actual word of the material that the sofa contained but I remember it being soft and comfortable for anyone to sit or sleep on. The sofa came in three parts. There were two parts that were about the same in length and one small part. The small part belonged in the middle, while the two parts of the same sides were placed next to each side of the small part. All together the three parts created a half of an uneven circle that took over half of the living room space. This sofa probably is remembered because it was the first thing I saw when I would come home from school. .

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