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I am currently a student at UC Davis. Since I am undecided on what to major in, I am just exploring what I can.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nippon Cinema.com (Design as a Conversation)

Nippon Cinema.com is a website that I recently found out about. Being a self proclaimed lover of Japanese cinema, I was intrigued when I first found the website. It was like finding a candy island. Despite being amazed by the information I found throughout the website, I couldn't help and notice later on that the website reminded me of a blog. Maybe the designers of the website did this on purpose? Maybe.

The design of the website has the information regarding news on Japanese cinema on the left side, while it has “other” information regarding news from Japanese cinema on twitter. While twitter is on above, the “like” for Nipponcinema.com on Facebook is below it. What makes the website remind me of a blog style is that simplicity of the website. Also, each article has the “comments” section below it. Though I know that websites that feature articles feature a “comments” section below every article (once you click on the full story), this website has the comments sections appear on every article straight ahead.

The fact the NipponCinema.com has the style of a blog makes it look more personal than professional. However, that is what makes the website more accessible and easier to use and look at.

Credits: Nippon Cinema.com

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